
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Ep. 35 - Gemma Simmonds - Ignatian Spirituality
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Welcome, Gemma Simmonds CJ, to the Laity Podcast! Super grateful to have Gemma on the show to discuss Ignatian Spirituality, alongside her recent book release, The Way of Ignatius: A Prayer Journey Through Lent. While it's now Easter season, this book/episode is highly relevant for anyone interested in the Jesuit tradition, contemplative prayer, St. Ignatius of Loyola - not just during Lent!
Gemma is a sister of the Congregation of Jesus - a Jesuit religious order of sisters founded by Mary Ward in 1609. She is also an author, speaker, and teacher of Ignatian spirituality, based in the UK. Read Gemma's bio here.
We really enjoyed this conversation and think you will too.

Friday Apr 19, 2019
Ep. 34 - Adam Gustine - Becoming a Just Church
Friday Apr 19, 2019
Friday Apr 19, 2019
We're stoked to have Adam Gustine on the podcast! Adam is the author of Becoming a Just Church - Cultivating Communities of God's Shalom. We absolutely loved this conversation and encourage everyone to listen. Adam, thank you for the time, and continue the good work. Certainly convicting and inspiring!
Adam L. Gustine leads CovEnterprises, a social enterprise initiative of Love Mercy, Do Justice, for the Evangelical Covenant Church. He is also the founder of Jubilee Ventures, an enterprise incubator in South Bend, Indiana dedicated to extending opportunity, restoration and ownership to the margins. He has pastored multiple churches in a wide variety of contexts and has a doctor of ministry degree from Missio Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Ann, are raising three kids to seek the shalom of their city South Bend.

Saturday Apr 06, 2019
Ep. 33 - Open & Relational Theology (Pt. V) - Conclusion
Saturday Apr 06, 2019
Saturday Apr 06, 2019
Welcome to the final installment of our Open and Relational series. In this episode, we reflect on the last three guests on the podcast, refresh on the open and relational theology ecosystem, and discuss some potential gaps.
If you find yourself unsure of how to put all this content together, this episode will (hopefully) shed some light on application, outstanding questions we/you may have, and what we can take away from this perspective.

Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Ep. 32 - Open & Relational Theology (Pt. IV) - Tripp Fuller
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
We're stoked to have the most O.G. Christian podcaster of our day, Tripp Fuller, on the podcast with us! For those who don't know, Tripp is the host of the Homebrewed Christianity Podcast, though he is also a speaker, pastor, author, actor, and fan of all things process theology. We're excited to have his perspective in the mix during our Open and Relational Theology series.
We hope you enjoy this longer-form episode as much as we did. If you want to skip the intros an get straight into the process content, feel free to skip ahead to 00:23:00 or so.
Check out Tripp's film, The Road to Edmond, here!
Open and Relational Theology with Tripp and Tom Oord, here!

Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Ep. 31 - Open & Relational Theology (Pt. III) - Rabbi Artson
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
In this special episode we are elated to share a recent conversation with Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson - Professor of Philosophy, Dean of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at American Jewish University, speaker, podcaster, and Jewish process theologian based in Los Angeles.
In this third installment of our series, Rabbi Artson provides an invaluable perspective, lending his Jewish insight into this open and relational understanding God.
We're super grateful for Rabbi Artson's time and generous discussion, and we're sure you'll enjoy the conversation as much as we did!
Follow Rabbi Artson on his public Facebook page here

Friday Feb 22, 2019
Friday Feb 22, 2019
Welcome to Part II of the Open and Relational Theology series! We're super excited to be joined by Thomas Jay Oord - author, theologian, philosopher, and Open/Relational extraordinaire. In this episode we dive into Tom's latest book, God Can't - How to Believe in God and Love After Tragedy, Abuse, and Other Evils. We really enjoyed our time with Tom, and we're sure you will too!
Additional References:
Sign up for Open and Relational Theology reading group with Tom and Tripp Fuller here!
Tripp Fuller live Homebrewed Podcast @ Wild Heaven Brewery (Atlanta) - Monday 2/25

Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Ep. 29 - Open & Relational Theology (Pt. I) - Introduction
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Welcome to Part I of our new series, Open & Relational Theology. In the multi-part series, we'll be featuring a number of unique guests over the next month or so, so stay tuned!
In this episode, Stephen and Andrew have an organic dialog around frameworks of God, ways of thinking about omnipotence, omniscience, and impassibility, how this journey has impacted us personally, and much more. We committed to 30 minutes...which of course turned into an hour or so...but we suspect you'll come along for the discussion.
Hope you enjoy, and be sure to stick around for a number of fantastic interviews to be released over the next few weeks!

Friday Feb 01, 2019
Ep. 28 - Justin Lee - Talking Across the Divide
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
In this episode, we welcome Justin Lee - evangelical Christian, activist, author, and speaker - to discuss his latest book, Talking Across the Divide. We're super grateful to have Justin on to give us some of his personal story, discuss effective communication in Christian community, disagreement, strategic listening, and more. Hoping to have Justin on future episodes, so stay tuned!
This episode also includes a short reflection from Stephen and Andrew following the conversation with Justin.

Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Ep. 27 - Gender Roles & Scripture (Pt II) - Kate Wallace Nunneley
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
We're excited to share this recent conversation with Kate Wallace Nunneley, continuing the discussion on gender roles, the Bible, and women in the Church. Kate gives us some great insight into The Junia Project, her perspective and experience as a female pastor, and terms like "Christian feminism" and "egalitarianism."
We dive into some of Paul's New Testament language around "headship," "women remaining silent," "not permitting women to teach," how this sits in an egalitarian vs. complementation framework, and much more.
Hope you enjoy the conversation as much as we did!
Follow Kate on Twitter @KateWallace1313 and check out The Junia Project here!

Friday Jan 04, 2019
Ep. 26 - 2018: Laity Podcast Year in Review feat. Tom Lombardi
Friday Jan 04, 2019
Friday Jan 04, 2019
With the coming of a new year, we wanted to take a dedicated episode to discuss the last year doing this podcast. In this reflective episode, we welcome Tom Lombardi (interviewing us!) to discuss highlights, breakthroughs, feedback, learning experiences, and how we're looking at Laity going into 2019. We hope you enjoy.
Thank you to every listener and guest who has tuned in over the last handful of months - we couldn't do it without you!
To learn more about Tom's work, see his website, Transition Perfect, which includes the Every Day A Life Podcast.